Personal goals

Talk about work possibilities by combining talents with subjects, locations and working methods.

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The players pick one or two elements from each row and place a bottle cap on it.


The players explain why they choose these items.


The players now thinks of a job or activity in which all these elements can be combined. You can use the game 'Professions' for inspiration.


Discuss the possibilities realistically. Suggested questions:

  • Is the combination viable?
  • Does it have future possibilities?
  • What do you need to get started?
  • How can you differentiate yourself?

Información extra del juego

On this magnetic panel, you can see four rows of illustrations representing different elements:

  • Row 1: talents & interests to work with (e.g. head, hands, legs, …)
  • Row 2: subjects to work with (e.g. people, animals, …)
  • Row 3: locations (e.g. schools, slums, …)
  • Row 4: how to work (e.g. alone, together, …)


Make random combinations between different elements. The players must now look for an activity or job that combines these elements. Afterwards the players do this for themselves.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Explore job opportunities.
  • Reflect on own talents and own future.

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