
Can you keep listening attentively in the face of distraction? Put yourself to the test by playing this fun game!

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


This is an interesting exercise to play with people working with children and youth, e.g. (street) educators, social workers, teachers,... but can also be played with children and youth.


Split the players into groups of three.


In each group, two players will face each other. One player will do the talking, the other player will do the listening. The third player will stand behind the talker. His goal is to distract the listener during the conversation. 


Reverse the roles after a few minutes and again after a few minutes more, so all players have had each role.


Reflect on the game: How did the game go? How did you feel when you were talking/listening? Were there certain cues you were not able to give/receive? etc.

Información extra del juego

This is an important exercise to realise that both verbal and non-verbal cues (facial expressions and body language) are key during conversations. When you work with large groups of children, it can happen that you get distracted by other children when talking to a particular child, since usually a lot of things are going on at the same time. This cannot be avoided, but by playing this type of game, you become aware of the possible cues you are (not) sending out and you can keep it into account as much as possible. 

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¿Ha jugado el juego Distractions?

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