Guess in the Dark

Get ready for a sensory showdown! Test your sense of touch in this blindfold game where players guess objects to earn points.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Gather a few players in front of the ‘Different abilities, equal rights’ -poster. Explain them that there are some children who have a disability.


Tell them we are going to play a game where the players can’t see, but still have to guess what they are holding.


Choose a player to start the game and have them put on the blindfold.


Select an object from the pile and show it to the other players.


Place the object in the player's hands and give them a few seconds to feel and examine it while blindfolded.


The player must then guess the object they are holding.


If the player correctly guesses the object, they earn a point, and it's the next player's turn to be blindfolded and guess an object.


If the player incorrectly guesses the object, they do not earn a point.


The game continues until all players have had a turn guessing objects.


The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Información extra del juego

  • Players can be given hints to help them guess the object, such as its colour, texture, or size.
  • If players are struggling to guess an object, they can be given a chance to ask a question about the object to help them guess correctly.


To make the game more challenging, you can limit the amount of time each player has to feel the object before making their guess.

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