Hide and Seek aka "Find me if you can"

Hide and Seek...old but classic...it involves people of all ages throughout the world!!

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Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Firstly , we have to recruit the players. The minimum number of 2 players , of all ages , is required , although it is suggested that the more players involved , the merrier !! :D


Generally , we prefer to set up the game at open sites, such as parks or rural locations , because in these places we feel the freedom to run and search for a good place to hide ourselves. It is important to find a smart and secure place to hide ourselves , because it will make it more difficult for the "chasing child" to find us.


Now we are ready to start! First of all, we should determine who will be the first one to "chase and find". This person could be anyone and usually we come to a decision through a raffle. After the game ends, this person is been replaced from an other, so that everyone can enjoy the full experience of the game.

The "chase and find" person is set up to one particular location that everyone knows and hides his eyes (usually with his hands) so that he/her can't see where the others are hiding. Then , he/her starts counting backwards from 200 to 0 , or 100 to 0 , based on how big the area is.


The "chased kids" have to find a secure and smart location to hide themselves , so that the "chasing person" could not find them easily.


However , if or when the "chasing person" finds one of the "chased kids" , he points at them and shouts their names loud , so that everyone can hear. The "chased kid" loses and waits for the game to end so that he can play again. This continues until every "chased kid" is found and the game ends. Otherwise , the game ends when some of the "chased kids" tags the "chasing person" . This happens when at least one of the "chased kids" secretly reaches the initial location of the "chasing person" , without them know and then they touch that location and shout " I beat you".

Información extra del juego

Rules are optional . However , in terms of safety , we have to set some rules. For example , it is suggested that we should avoid climbing on trees or reaching rooftops.

Also , it is suggested that we hide ourselves alone , so that the "chasing child" will not find us all at once.

The game can also be set by a timer. This means that the whole team sets for example 30 minutes of playing time and after that , the game ends and every "chased kid" that was not found , wins. This usually happens at big places , where the "chasing person" is in a difficult position to find all the "chased kids" .


Possible variation: the "chasing person" could be a big team of people , so that it will be more interested when they try to find the "chased kids".

This is suggested to be set up in bigger places , such as a whole village.

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