Release the knot

Quick and energising problem-solving group game

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


All players form a chain by giving hands to each other. The first player in the chain will step away from the others and closes his eyes.


The next player in the chain will make several knots in the chain by running in between the other players. All players keep holding hands and follow the chain.


The player outside the chain can open his eyes and tries to untangle the knots in the chain. The other players keep holding hands during this process. They can't speak.


The game stops when the chain is untangled and everyone is standing like in the beginning of the game.


Now the player who made the knots in the chain can't say anything. The group has to untangle the knot themselves.

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