Growing Minds, Growing Rights: I spy with my little eye

I spy, I spy with my little eye… it is round and has the colours black and white. What is it? Can you guess?

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


Show the players the poster and explain there are different rooms. Discuss which rooms are present on the poster.


Divide the players into two groups.


For the first round of the game, you name one of the rooms. E.g. the library.


Both groups have to quickly discuss and decide which object they want to pick from the poster in the named room and which two clues they want to give the other group.


One person in one group starts by saying: (example) “I spy with my little eye, an object that is round with the colours black/white”


Then the other group has to observe carefully the room in the poster and find which object was described. They get two guesses.


If the groups can find the object in the room, they win.


Then it’s the turn of the second group to share their clues about their chosen object.


Once both objects are guessed, you can name a new room or you can stop the game.

Extra game information

This game is based on the game “I spy with my little eye”.

After the players guessed the object or situation, you could ask questions related to development. For example, if the players chose football, you could ask: “who likes to play football?”, “Do you play it often, why or why not?”, “with whom do you play”. You could also tell the players it is very important to play and every child has the right to play games with their friends.

The 'Growing Minds, Growing Rights' poster is the overview poster for the right to development. This poster depicts a school environment where all different rights related to development can be found. This poster is one of the four storytelling posters linked to one of the dimensions of children's rights: survival, protection, development and participation. The storytelling poster is closely linked to the 'Different Abilities, Equal Rights' panel.

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


  • The groups have to choose a situation from the full poster, not just one room.
  • Instead of describing your clue, you can also act out your clue.

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