Save the Children

NGO, Save the Children Romania, Romania

Save the Children is a non-governmental organization that has been defending and promoting children's rights in Romania since 1990. As a member of Save the Children, the world's largest independent children's rights organisation with 30 members and programmes in over 120 countries, our VISION is a world that respects every child's right to survival, education, protection and participation.

Save the Children's games

Emotion Potion

Mix and match basic emotions to craft complex feelings in Emotion Potion!

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Admiration Exchange

Reflect on admirable qualities of your role model and share and receive positive affirmations with your peers.

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Blossom and Flutter

Follow the life cycle of a seed turning into a flower and practice the butterfly hug technique.

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Respect the Bubble

Learn how to assert your personal bubble and respect that of others!

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Hero Wanted

Unleash your creativity and celebrate your unique strengths by creating magnificent personal posters that highlight your positive attributes and self-

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Mirror Match

Get ready to swap perspectives, a game where communication and empathy take center stage!

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Threat or Thought?

Discuss the difference between threats and thoughts and explore the different reactions one could have.

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Decide in a Flash

Practice quick decision-making skills and engage in thoughtful reflection on your choices and reasoning.

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I See, I Imagine, I Feel

Explore what you see, think, and feel, helping you make friends and understand yourself better!

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Happy Hands

Discover your happy place and the source of your greatest support through the guidance of your hands.

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