Explain the game step-by-step

On the ‘How to play’ page, you will have to write a clear explanation on how to play your game, from start to finish.

To make sure everything is logically structured, limit the amount of information and make sure the reader will understand how the game is played after reading your explanation. 


Step 1

First step = start-up

Start the first step with an explanation on how you start your game: for example; Divide the group in two.


Step 2

One action = One step

A new action in the game is always a new step in the ‘how to play’ section. You can add as many steps as you want by simply clicking the “Add a step”-button.


Step 3

KISS = Keep it short and simple

Use simple language and write in short sentences. This way the user can easily follow your guidelines.


Step 4

Be specific & active

Be concrete and give clear instructions about what the players have to do. Use the active voice as much as possible: “Divide the balls” instead of “the balls are divided.”


Step 5

Address the educators directly

Write your instructions for a fellow educator by addressing this person directly. Use sentences like: “Ask the following questions…”, or “One player stands in the middle of the circle”.


Step 6

Chronological order

Write the different steps in chronological order. Start with the setup of the game and explain to the educator how to go through the game, step by step.


Step 7

Additional game info
  • Limit the information in the how to play section.
  • If you write a more complex game, use the additional game info to explain how your game board looks like, to include a legend, to explain what the specific tasks are and/or which questions you suggest in case your game requires it.
  • In the how to play section make reference to the additional game info to make a clear structure.

Step 8

Review your explanation
  • Be sure to run the spelling and grammar check, as well as to read your instructions out loud several times through in order to identify and correct any mistakes. 
  • You may also want to have someone else read it and provide feedback so that you know your tutorial makes sense logically and chronologically, and that your instructions are easy for readers to understand. (source WikiHow)

Step 9

End of the game

Always end your step-by-step explanation with a clear finish to the game, this being the final objective of the game. For example; The game ends when everyone has jumped over the rope or when a player has 10 points ...

Good job!

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