Child labour & prostitution • Drawing

Draw and reflect about different types and characteristics of child labour with this creative panel about business.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Draw three boxes under the three different pictures on the panel. Add an extra box to the right side of the panel.


Ask the player to draw:

  • the situations on the panel as they see it in the three boxes.
  • the continuation of the story in the box on the right side of the panel: what would happen next?
  • another story related to this topic, from their own experience or imagination.

Reflect on the pictures.

Información extra del juego

In this panel, you can see a cartoon of three pictures about prostitution and child labour/exploitation.


  • When playing in groups, the different teams can guess what's in the self drawn pictures.
  • Write down or enact the stories instead of drawing them.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Become aware about the risks of child labour.
  • Become aware about child labour and bad/good working conditions.

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