Move as a team

Learn to move as one team by copying different movements.

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Paso 1

Print the rotation disc

Print the rotation disc template attached. Make sure it is printed in full size, or it is scaled the same way as the panel you will use it with.


Paso 2

Cut out the rotation disc and make holes

Cut out the red disc and cut or pinch out the white holes so that answers will be visible through the holes of the rotation disc.


Paso 3

Attach the rotation disc to the panel

Attach the disc to a panel with a split pin. Make sure the arrow is visible. You can now see the answers through the white holes while spinning the rotation disc!

¡Buen trabajo!

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Spin the disc to select a movement.


The players work together to copy the selected movement (e.g. wheelbarrow).


Spin the disc again to select a contradiction (e.g. big/small).


The players now combine the movement with the selected contradiction (e.g. first taking big steps and then taking small steps while walking as a wheelbarrow).

Información extra del juego


The panel is based on the Sherborne Methodology. The panel depicts pictures of different movements that have to be performed in pairs or small groups and four contradictions (fast/slow - hard/soft - silent/with noise - big/small) that indicate possible variations of a movement.


  • The players spin the disc twice and find creative ways to combine the two movements.
  • Create a choreography: The players spin the rotation disc several times in a row to select different movements. Write down or remember the movements and put them together to create a dance. To make it more difficult, you can make the sequence longer and always add a contradiction as well.
  • Race: Draw a starting and a finishing line on the ground with chalk. The players form pairs. Spin the rotation disc to select a movement. The different pairs perform the movement and try to reach the finishing line as quickly as possible. The fastest pair wins a point. At the end of the game, the pair with the most points wins the race.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Practice gross motor skills.
  • Develop body awareness.
  • Stimulate physical exercise.

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