Lifestage Hopscotch

Hop your way to the top!

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Paso 1

Draw a hopscotch board
  • Draw a hopscotch board on the ground with chalk or tape. The board should have ten squares in a line, numbered from one to ten.
  • Each square should have a different life stage written or drawn in it.
¡Buen trabajo!

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Choose a player to go first.


The first player tosses the small object onto the hopscotch board, aiming for square one.


The player then hops on one foot into square one, and then hops with the same foot into square two.


The player continues to hop through the squares, alternating feet and skipping the square with the small object.


If the player successfully hops through all of the squares, they retrieve the small object and toss it onto square two.


The player then begins the same hopping sequence, aiming for square two this time.


If the player fails to successfully hop through a square or loses their balance, they lose a turn and must wait for their next turn.


The game continues in this manner until one player successfully completes the entire hopscotch board, making it through each life stage square without losing a turn.


That player wins the game.


  • To make the game more challenging, players can be required to say the name of the life stage as they hop on each corresponding square.
  • To make the game more competitive, multiple players can play at once, each taking turns to hop through the board. The first player to complete the entire board wins.

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