Race for Resources

A fast-paced group activity where kids race to collect items for their designated area while dodging a tagger in the middle.

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Divide the players into 5 teams, each representing a different location (library, art class, classroom, playground, and food stand).


Have each team stand on one side of the room, away from the supplies in the middle.


Explain to the players that they need to work together to collect all the items needed for their location.


Assign one player from each team to be the "runner" for the first round.


When you say "go," the runners from each team must run to the middle and grab one item that corresponds to their location.


Meanwhile, the tagger in the middle must try to tag the runners. If a runner is tagged, they must return the item to the middle and go back to their team.


Once a runner has successfully retrieved an item, they must bring it back to their team and so that the next runner to go.


The game continues until all the teams have collected all their items.


The team that collects all their items first wins the game.


To make the game more challenging, increase the number of items or have multiple taggers in the middle.

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