Rotten eggs

An energising game to learn new names

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • Ball

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


One player throws a ball into the air and calls out a name of an other player.


The player whose name was called, has to catch the ball as fast as possible.

Meanwhile the rest of the players run away as far as possible from the person and ball.


When the player whose name was called, catches the ball, he shouts "STOP" and everyone has to stop running and stand still.


The player with the ball can now choose 1 other player. He's allowed to make 3 big passes in that direction.


The chosen player has to hold his arms in the shape of a basketball ring. The player with the ball tries to throw the ball through the arms of that person.


If he succeeds, that player has 1 "rotten egg". The game continues till a player has 3 rotten eggs. The other players can give that player a challenge.


You can end the game every time a player has 3 rotten eggs.

Información extra del juego

Possible challenges:

  • All players throw the ball to each other in a circle. The player in the middle tries to catch the ball.
  • The player has to sing a song for everyone.
  • ...

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