Mathematical Trains (Intermediate)

Fill in a number and start the different calculations on the train with this mathematics fill out panel.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


The player chooses and writes a number under the first train wagon with chalk. 


With this number, he completes the first operation and then moves on to the next train wagon. He must always continue with the result of the operation before. 


The player continues the calculations until the last wagon. 

Información extra del juego

The calculating trains contain the following types of exercises:

  • additions
  • subtractions 

For StreetSmart Wheels partners, the code of the poster is MATHEMATICS-O-F1-F2


  • Team work: player one chooses the first number. Player two completes the first operation. Player one then continues with the result of this operation. They continue until the last wagon.
  • One player designs a calculating train. Another player tries to complete it. To end with, the player who designed the calculating train, checks if the answers are correct. They then switch roles. 

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Ability to concentrate on making new operations based on results of earlier made operations. 

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