Jump In Jump Out

Try to deceive your brain during this fun energiser game for large groups!

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Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


All players form a circle, holding hands. There is one game leader. During the game, the players will jump left, right, in (the circle) or out (the circle), depending on the instructions of the game leader.


Round 1: "Say what I say, do what I say"

All players will repeat the instruction of the game leader while performing it. For example, if the game leader says "Jump left", all players will say "Jump left" while jumping to the left.


When all participants have got the hang of it, move on to round 2: "Say the opposite of what I say, but do what I say".

If the game leader says "Jump left", the players will now say "Jump right" while jumping to the left.


When all participants have got the hang of it, move on to round 3: "Say what I say, but do the opposite of what I say".

If the game leader says "Jump left", the players will say "Jump left" while jumping to the right.


Continue until everyone is energised!

Información extra del juego

This game was shared on Playmeo.com by Mark Collard.


Add extra commands yourself, such as “Jump twice”, “Jump high", “Jump two to the left/right", "Jump anywhere",... or ask the players to come up with commands of their own.

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