Counting up

This easy game is the perfect way to put the interaction skills of your team/group to the test!

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


All players spread out across the room, in such a way that they cannot make eye-contact with any of the other players.


Explain the rules:

  • The goal is to count up to a given number, e.g. 20, without going around the group in any particular/predefined order.
  • The players cannot confer or look at each other to give signals.
  • Any player can start at "1" and any player can go next with "2", etc.
  • All players need to say at least one number.
  • Only one person may say one number at a time. If two people speak at the same time, even for the slightest moment, the group must start over at number 1.

The group has succeeded when they have counted up to the given number, in this case up to 20.


  • The group can stand in a close huddled circle with their eyes closed as well or you can ask them to sit or lie down.
  • You can easily make the game easier or more difficult by adapting the number the group needs to count up to.

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