Reach the moon

Let children reach the moon by finding words of different categories

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Carton
  • thin rope
  • crayons
  • glue
  • paper
  • space decoration (e.g. stars)

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Single player

Turn the first roto disc to define a category (animals, sports, instruments, profession, food, names).

Added difficulty:

Turn the second roto disc to define a letter.


Single player

Name as many words as possible that fit to the category. Count them with your fingers.

Added difficulty: The words have to fit the category and start with the letter.


Single player

Move your rocket up towards the moon for each word you find.


Single player

Did you reach the moon? Congratulations.

If not spin the roto disc again until you reach the moon with right words.


Competitive / Multiplayer

Assign two players or teams that are going to compete against each other.


Competitive / Multiplayer

Turn the first roto disc to define a category (animals, sports, instruments, profession, food, names).

Added difficulty:

Turn the second roto disc to define a letter.


Competitive / Multiplayer

Version 1:

The team that comes up with a correct word first gets a point and moves their rocket one step closer to the moon.

Version 2:

One team starts and has to name a word that fits (if there was a previous round the team that lost may start). Then the second team has to name a fitting word as well. Then it's the turn of the first team again and so on.

If one team doesn't come up with a new correct word the other team gets the point and moves their rocket one step closer to the moon.


Competitive / Multiplayer

Spin the roto disc again and redo step 7 until one team reaches the moon and wins.


Additional content

There is a drawing panel which guides children to draw the rocket.

This can be be used to add additional steps to the journey to the moon on the scoreboard. The first 4 points the teams score will let them draw their rocket before starting the steps on the scoreboard.

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