Dream expedition

A fun boardgame about discovering the world and finding your buddy

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Everything you need to play this game

  • 2 rasterized world map
  • pinable characters
  • material to cover the places already mentionned
  • cards describing places on the map
  • (optional) spinning wheel to select topics to use

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Every player has a world map, some characters and a spinning wheel.

To start the game, each child places his favorite character somewhere on the map


The purpose of the game is to find the other child by asking questions before being found.

Therefore, multiple ways of playing are possible:


-         Batlleship’-method. Each player asks if the other player is at a certain coordinate (x,y).  If yes, than the party is won, if no, than the other player gets the opportunity to propose a location. The wrong coordinate is eliminated with a post-it.


-         ‘Who is who’-method: by using the spinning wheel each player can select a topic on which he/she can aks a question to the other player in order to find his/her location by eliminating possible locations and narrowing down the possible locations.


There is also a individual alternative:

There are cards available. Based on the information that can be found on the card, the player needs to locate the location on the map. There are 3 levels of difficulty.

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