Days of the week

A game that requires the concentration and attention of the players.

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


The players sit in a circle and stand with their palms up.


The palms are placed as follows:

  • Player no. 1 with the right palm above the left palm of the right player
  • Player no. 1 with the left palm under the right palm of the left player

The youngest player starts. The players will, each on their turn, name the days of the week and each time they say one day of the week they will hit the palm of the player to their left with the right palm.


After a few repetitions, each day of the week is assigned a gesture (eg, Tuesday - we clap our hands, on Thursday we do a squat, on Sunday - we raise a leg).


The player who does not make the gesture specific to the day, leaves the game.

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