Dinosaur eggs

A short game to encourage ball skills in young children.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • 50 tennis balls
  • As many hoops as players

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Place all tennis balls in a hoop in the middle. One player is the dinosaur and must guard all his eggs (the tennis balls).


The other players all have their own hoop at the same distance from the nest.


The idea is that the dinosaur will guard its nest as well as possible, but that the other players will try to steal its eggs. They have 5 minutes to do this.


If the dinosaur can tag a player with one of his eggs, he must put it back in the large nest. If not, he may place it in his own hoop.


The player who has the most eggs at the end of the game (after 5 minutes) wins.

Extra game information

  • You choose the distance between the dinosaur nest and the other players. Depending on the age of the players, this may be further or closer.


Depending on the time of year, the dinosaur theme can also be replaced by the Easter bunny, pirates, ...

Specific learning objectives

  • Responsiveness
  • Speed
  • Distracting other players

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