Comparison Madness

A fun flexible educational game to teach kids on how certain real-life items compare in size, altitude, value, population

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Coloring pencils
  • Glue
  • Bottlecaps
  • Carton
  • Scissors
  • Paper

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Form 2 teams and the team with the youngest kid starts the game and has to start with the first game quadrant/area (number 1).


In the first quadrant, the team uses the 5 respective bottlecaps and tries to put them all in the right place in the foreseen empty spots. By doing so, the team tries to get the logical order/sequence of the relevant items, which needs to be validated by a street educator. If wrong, the other team can try until one of both teams wins. The educator puts a regular/normal bottle cap on the team side that has won to keep score.


Independent of who won the first quadrant, the other (second) team can start with the second quadrant and so forth. The team with the most points in the end, wins.

Extra game information


  • Add more symbols or more categories
  • To make it harder, adapt the relative difference between the items to compare
  • To make it more interactive, assign the kids with the different items and ask them to visually show the right sequence (play the game offline)

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