PowerUp Your Comforts

A simple puzzle to understand the various ways to satisfy your electricity needs.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Carton
  • Colours
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Dice

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Lay out all the puzzle pieces in a stash so that everyone can see them.


Determine an order in which to play. All further steps are performed in this order.


Roll the dice or spin the wheel to determine which column you have to fill with your pieces. This step is only performed once at the beginning of the game. Each player sticks with the column he has picked. If the column is already taken, spin again.


Roll the dice or spin the wheel to determine how many pieces you are allowed to take.


Complete the process shown in your column by laying down the shapes.


Repeat from step 3.


The first player to reach the correct height of the column wins.


This game can also be a single player game. It is played as a normal puzzle then.

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