Road Trip

Let's hit the road & choose your car. Ensure you budget your money wisely to make it to the finish line dealing with expensive road blocks on the way!

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Coloured cards (5 different colours)
  • Split pins
  • Bottle caps
  • Lollypop sticks as spinners

Make it yourself


Step 1

Make the board

Use coloured cards (purple, yellow, orange, blue and green) as shown in the picture to make the board. Use split pins in a slit cut into card to make the budget rotation disc. Cut out and stick logos on to bottle tops to make the pawns for the game.

Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


The game is played by 2 to 4 players. To start, spin the coloured wheel to see how much money you get to start the game with. Then move your budget slider to that amount or write down the amount on a blackboard or paper.


Each person should either choose the BMW or the Ford and reduce their money slider (or their amount of money) accordingly. Then place the appropriate car logo at the start for each player.


The person with the least money (or the youngest player) can start the game. To move along the board, spin the color wheel to see what color you move to. For example: if you land on green, you can continue to the next green square on the board. Move to that colour on the board.

As the BMW is faster than the Ford, the BMW driver can spin the wheel twice during each go. The Ford only gets one.


If you land on a hazard or road block, do as instructed by the road block. Pay money and reduce your money slider or your budget on the board.


If you land on a race square then you must spin the race wheel (see picture). If the spinner lands on the BMW section, the BMW wins and vica versa. The amount you get for winning a race is 20K.


If you run out of money during the game, you have to go back to the start and spin the coloured wheel to find out how much money you get to start the game again. The other players play on.


The game ends when a player - who still has some money left - reaches the finish line.


  • Add more vehicle types or car brands to make the game even more attractive.

Specific learning objectives

This game shows that you must manage the (little) money you have.

What people said about this game

Mobile School NPO

Mobile School NPO BE

27 February, 2020


Maybe not the most innovative game, but extremely fun to play with young people! The fact you have the option to choose your own car is an attractive way to start the game. Throughout the game, you will be confronted with the consequences of your choice in the beginning of the game, which results in a fun game dynamic. Maybe you can add even more vehicle types or car brands to spice up the game.

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