Spider Web

This fun and easy game is both a great way to get to know each other and to wrap up an activity!

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • A ball of yarn

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


All players form a circle. The game leader also stands in the circle, holding a ball of yarn.


The game leader shares something personal about himself, e.g.: "I love to dance in the rain."


All players who also love dancing in the rain raise their hands. The game leader chooses one of the players raising their hand. He holds on to the end of the ball of yarn and throws the ball to that player.


Now, it's that player's turn to share something personal, e.g.: "I have 1 brother and 1 sister".


He then throws the ball of yarn to one of the players raising their hand, while holding on to a piece of it.


Keep going until all players are holding a piece of the ball of yarn and an enormous spider web has been created.


Reflect on the game: What can we learn from this game? Do we have more in common than you thought? In which ways are we different/connected? etc.


You can also use this game methodology to wrap up a game/training/... One person starts with the end of the ball of yarn and says something he learned from the game/training/... or about himself. He then passes the ball to someone else (other than the person next to him), while holding his end. Proceed until everyone has had a chance to speak and a spider web is formed.

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¿Ha jugado el juego Spider Web?

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