Debate Time

During this easy and fun discussion game, you will practise listening to understand instead of listening to respond.

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Split the group into pairs. One player will be A, the other player will be B.


In pairs, the participants will discuss a given topic with each other, e.g. the use of a condom (player A is in favour, player B is opposed), the colour of the wall (player A wants the wall to be purple, player B wants the wall to be green), ...


Players A and B will now come up with arguments to convince the other player of their point of view.


If player A starts, player B has to first repeat player A’s argument, before giving an argument of his own. An example could be: Player A: “I want the wall to be purple because it is my favourite colour.” Player B: “You think the wall should be purple because it is your favourite colour. I would like the wall to be green, because it has a calming effect on me.” 


If you notice that the discussions are coming to an end, wrap up the game and ask each pair if they were able to reach an agreement and what that agreement is.


Reflect on the game with the players: How did the discussion go? How did it feel to discuss like this? Is it easier to really listen to each other's arguments this way than during a normal discussion? etc.


To make the game more difficult, you can tell the players they cannot use the word "but" during the debate.  

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