Game of Thrones

Beat the other team by conquering your throne as quickly as possible.

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • 2 chairs

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Divide the group in two teams. Each team lines up at +/- 10 metres from their chair or "throne".


When the game leader says "go", the first person of each team starts running towards the throne of the other team.


First, they knock over the other team's throne as quickly as possible.


Then, they run towards their own throne to put it upright again and they briefly sit on it.


They then run towards their team as quickly as possible and tag the next player.


Once they are tagged, the second player of each team starts running and follows the same steps.


The team that succeeds on conquering their throne by sitting on it before the other team knocks it over, wins the game!

Información extra del juego

Don't mention any rules in regards to knocking over the chairs at the start of the game. Some players get creative and make it difficult for the other team to put their chair upright again, for example by throwing it far away, which adds an additional element of fun.

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