
Move, have fun and boost the group's energy level!

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


The players move around freely, until the game leader shouts out a number, e.g. "4'.


As soon as the number is shouted, all players need to try and form small groups of that size as quickly as possible, so in this case groups of 4. Players that could not form a group just wait until the next number is shouted.


Then, the game leaders shouts another number, and so on.


After a few rounds, an extra level of difficulty is added:

The game leader will now shout two numbers, e.g. "4 and 6". The first number stands for the number of players in the group and the second number stands for the number of legs that can be on the floor.


  • Speed it up! As the game leader, shout out different numbers in rapid succession, so the players need to keep moving. Let's get those energy levels up!
  • You can make the game more difficult by shouting out names instead of number, e.g. the names of fruits. Shout "oranges" if the players need to form groups of two, "bananas" if they need to form groups of three, "pineapples" if they need to form groups of four, etc. You can use names of celebrities, countries,...

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