Catch me if you can

Dynamic game to develop an understanding of the do's and don'ts while playing sports during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


6 team players enter into a 20 square foot area (a closed room or sports-field outside). One of the players wears a colored t-shirt (or a 'COVID-19 virus costume') to indicate he/she is the COVID-19 positive person. This player is blindfolded. The objective of the player will be to infect another player during the game. The player can infect another player by:

- Approach a player (come closer to a player within 1 meter of distance)

- Through contact (tag another player)


- There is 1 spot in one corner designated as a mask area where 1 player at a time can rest for 15 seconds without being infected

- There is 1 spot designated as an isolation area where 1 player at a time can go for 15 seconds to avoid being infected

- Once a player is at the isolation spot or mask area, he/she must stay there for the entire 15 seconds and cannot leave the spot.


The 5 players on the field need to communicate and coordinate with each in order to avoid being infected.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Game created by Husnain and Ibrar from Pakistan, Street Child United Young Leaders.


What to do to avoid infection with COVID-19

- No contact

- Compulsory wearing of a mask

- Safety distance of 1 meter (physical distancing)

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

Sander Degeling

Partnership Coordinator Africa & Asia StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

1 septembre, 2020


An energizing game to raise awareness on the do's and don'ts during the COVID-19 pandemic! Thank you for sharing this game Street Child United, Ibrar and Husnain.

Lies De Vocht

Content & Communication Officer StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

1 septembre, 2020


This is a really nice idea to help the players understand how contagious the COVID-19 virus is.

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