Metamorphoses of the rope

One tool - lots of possibilities to have fun. Want to know how?

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • A long rope

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


The rope can be used for a variety of tasks and games. Here are some of them:

Play Limbo.

Two people hold either end of a rope at their chest height. The children take turns going under the rope without touching the rope, bending their knees and leaning as far back as necessary. No hands may touch the floor. The rope can be kept lower and lower after each turn.

Make a big jump rope.

Children can jump or just run through the jump rope one by one, in groups or even all together.

Rope pull.

Participants can compete individually or in teams. A mark should be made on the ground. Each team pulls the rope to their side. The goal is to pull the opponent/team to his side by force (so that the other team cross the mark on the ground).


More variations can be found in the heads of kids. :) At least we found it.

So be brave simply ask kids, what to do with the rope?

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