Colour Magic with the Five Characters

A drawing and colouring activity where children colour their favorite character from the poster!

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Ask the children to watch the poster and listen to the stories of the five characters. Provide the audiostories, tell the stories yourself or let the children share what they see.


Each child chooses a favourite character.


Explain to the children that they will be drawing and colouring that character.


First ask them to draw the character and when they have completed their drawings, they can colour it.


Make sure you encourage the children to add their own creative touch to their drawings, such as adding a background or accessories for their character.


At the end all children can put their drawing on the mobile school or the wall for others to see.


When there are a lot of young children, you can provide them with the colouring page, so they don’t need to draw themselves.

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