Professions & tools

Enhance your knowledge of different tools that are being used in different professions with this sliding doors panel.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Hide all the professions with the sliding doors or with post-its.


Divide the players in two teams and organise a quiz.


Show the players a specific object/tool.


The players make a drawing or write down the profession that is related to the material. Check their answers by lifting the doors and note down if a team has a correct answer.


Repeat with the other objects/ tools.


The group with the most correct answers, wins the game.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

The panel is divided into a red part and a green part. This activity only uses the red part. This part is more difficult. In every window you can see a picture of an object or a tool that is related to a specific profession.


  • You can also play this game with only one player. The player writes down the name of the profession on the blackboard and checks his answer by opening the red door.
  • Start a discussion about the professions. Suggested questions: Is the material a need or a want for the profession? Is it a capital or an operational cost? Which talent do you need for this profession?

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

Enhance knowledge of different materials that are used to practise a certain profession.

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