Train relay race

Race like a train against another team and increase your cooperation skills

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Divide everyone into two groups. Form two rows of players behind each other and mark two finish lines 20 meters in front of the the first players.


When you shout or give a signal, the first player of every group runs to his finish line and back to his starting point.


At the starting point, the second player stands ready with his hands in front of him. When the first player arrives, the second player places his hands on the shoulders of player 1. Now they run together to the finish line and back where player 3 is standing ready.


The game continues till the entire group is connected to each other. The group who arrives first at the starting point with all players connected, wins the game.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

  • Make sure the players don't loose each other while running. If the 'train' gets disconnected, they have to go back to the starting point.
  • If you have a big group of players (more than 20), divide the players in more than 2 groups.
  • Attention! The first player has to run as many times as there are players in his group. Players can strategically choose who they put in front and in the back.


  • You can make the game easier or more difficult by moving the finish line closer or further away from the groups.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • The player learn to deal with competition and cooperating, winning and losing.

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