Mathematical Crossword Puzzle (Easy)

Fill in the missing numbers so the operations are correct by using this mathematical crossword puzzle.

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The player looks for an operation that he can finish. With the number found he can solve another operation. 


He continues to do this until all exercises are solved and the crossword is completed. 


  • A player creates a new mathematical crossword puzzle. Another player tries to complete it.
  • Draw a grid with the numbers from 1 to 10 on the street with chalk. Two (groups of) players compete. First, indicate an operation on the panel for group 1 to complete. They throw a bottle cap to the answer. If the answer is correct, they get one point. If not, group 2 can try to find the right answer. Then, group 2 gets an operation, and so on.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Ability to concentrate on making new operations based on results of earlier made operations. 

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