
This easy, fun and active group game is suitable for children of all ages.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • A flag or another object that can function as a flag (a towel, a sweater,...)

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


All players form a circle, standing about 1 metre apart from one another.


One player walks around the circle, holding the flag (an actual flag or something that can function as one, e.g.: a towel, a sweater,...) and decides when and where he wants to stop.


When he stops, he positions himself between two players, holding up the flag in front of him, with his back towards the circle.


The two players on either side of the flag run around the circle in opposite directions as quickly as possible.


The player that can catch the flag wins. Then, it's his turn to walk around the circle and to choose where he will hold up the flag.


  • While the player is walking around the circle with the flag, all players can sing a song to add a rhythm to the game and to add some extra distraction.
  • You can make the game a bit more difficult by using a very small object as the flag, e.g. a tennis ball, a sock,...
  • You can ask the players that need to catch the flag to do something when they meet each other, e.g.: shake hands, say hello, sit on one knee, give a hug,... to keep the game varied.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

Mobile School NPO

Mobile School NPO BE

30 octobre, 2019


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