People Bingo

This bingo with a twist is a perfect way to get to know each other (better) in a fun way!

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Self-made bingo cards (1 for each player)
  • Pens (1 for each player)



Étape 1

5 boxes across and down

Create the template for the bingo card. Generally, bingo cards have five boxes across and five boxes down (B-I-N-G-O!). Leave room for signatures. 

If you have a printer at hand, you can make the bingo card in Word. If not, you can draw the bingo card yourself. Make sure there's a bingo card for each player.


Étape 2

Option 1: "Make it personal"

If you know the players, you can write 25 interesting traits on the bingo card, describing different aspects: e.g.: “plays the guitar”, “has run a marathon”, “has a twin brother”, “collects rare coins”, “has a piercing”,... 


Étape 3

Option 2: "Keep it casual"

If you don’t know the players, you can write general characteristics on the bingo card, e.g.: “needs coffee to wake up”, “loves the colour blue”, “has two cats", "loves singing in the shower", "has a sister",...

You can make these easy or difficult depending on how much time you want the game to take. 

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Give all players a bingo card and a pen.


The players will now mingle and look for people matching the characteristics on their bingo card.


When they find someone that matches a characteristic, they need to write that person's name in the corresponding box or ask that person to sign the appropriate square. 


The first person to fill five boxes across or down yells "BINGO!" and is the winner.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

This is a great game to use when teaching a foreign language as well, since it allows your students to practise newly learned vocabulary in a fun way.


  • When the game is over, you can ask the players to introduce themselves and to share one of the interesting traits they learned about someone else. 
  • You can adapt the bingo cards to any topic you want to address.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

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