The musical score

Use the colourful musical score panel to create your own song and pimp it with a crazy choreography.

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


Give each colour a musical sound. For example: purple is shouting HEY!, green is a handclap, etc. If you have no inspiration to find a sound for each colour, you can always look at the background of the game board, spin the musical rotation disc or have a look at the Music Festival panel (MUSIC A1). After this, make all the sounds in the order as depicted on the stave. 


To make the game more complex, add a new dimension. Spin the rotation disc again to determine how many times the players should repeat the same sound. For example: seven times HEY!, three times a handclap, … Note these numbers down on the blackboard or on a piece of paper so that all players can follow and practice the song together with the entire group. 


If this works well, go to the second stave. Here there are two notes below each other. Divide the group in two and ask the groups to make their specific sounds at the same time (e.g. first group HEY! and second group handclap) so you create a polyphony (two lines of music at the same time). 


To conclude, ask the group to develop some dance moves to make their performance more attractive. 


The players perform their act for the other players or for the broader community. 

Extra game information

On the game board there are three musical staves with coloured notes. Each coloured note will be linked with a specific sound so the players can make their own song. 


  • Draw a continued sequence on the blackboard to make a longer song.
  • Use the Musical Score to identify coloured objects on the discussion game board (MUSIC A1). For example: Can you find something purple, green or yellow in the panel and which sound does it make?
  • Use the Musical Score to start up a basic discussion on the different aspects of music like musical notation, musical genres, structures of a song (chorus, verse, bridge, …), melody, rhythm, instrumentation, … 

Specific learning objectives

  • Identify and perform simple rhythmic patterns.
  • Make different sounds and create a song together.
  • Think of movements that fit the music. 

What people said about this game

Sander Degeling

Partnership Coordinator Africa & Asia StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

25 September, 2019


The Musical Score offers multiple fun and accessible activities to work on the topic of music. By using your creativity, all aspects of music can be covered. Highly recommended!

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