Conflict Situations

Learn to recognise and describe different conflict situations with this sliding doors panel.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Cover all the images with the sliding door system or with post-its.


Open a door from the first column and try to invent a fun story about the person(s).


Now open a door from the second column and continue the story, including the new element in it.


Keep doing this until you reach the last column.


Talk about the story with the players. Suggested questions:

  • Did they think in the beginning of the story that it would end this way?
  • Had anyone a different ending in their mind?
  • Did you experience something similar in your life?
  • How can you avoid a conflict?
  • Would the main character have felt the same, during another action, at the end of the story?

Extra game information

On the panel, you can see six different columns with each a theme with six different choices:

1 & 2. Persons: child, woman, man, group of children, group of adults and a family (first two columns).

3. Places: school, road, market, prison, building and public domain.

4. Objects: weapons, drugs, money, food, objects and a person.

5. Actions: avoid, compete, compromis, collaborate, accommodate and asking for help.

6. Emotions: happy, afraid, angry, sad, shy and surprised.


  • The players in turns open a door on the panel. They create a story and let it grow step by step and image by image.
  • The players write the story on the blackboard.
  • A few players enact the story. The others try to reconstruct the story by opening the right doors on the panel.
  • The players look back at their own conflict situations and reconstruct their stories using the sliding doors on the panel. Suggested questions: How did you solve the conflict? Are there any other ways to resolve the conflict?

Specific learning objectives

  • Recognise different conflict situations.
  • Recognise cause-effect relations.
  • Learn to judge the consequences of actions and reactions and learn that they always affect each other.

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