The apartment

Explore different family situations with this creative discussion panel.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Talk about the different family situations. Use the different floors of the apartment building as a starting point. Try to describe the situations as detailed as possible. Suggested questions:

  • How would you describe the different situations?
  • What do you think will happen next?
  • What differences can you notice?

Now ask the players about their own lives and family situations. Suggested questions:

  • Do you have brothers or sisters? How old are they? Do you take care of them? Are they important to you?
  • What is in your opinion the ideal family situation?
  • Do you also dream about a family life? If so, how would you like it to be?

Extra game information

On the panel, you can see an apartment building with different rooms and different people. On each floor you see another family situation characterised by other types of interaction between the family members. The right side of the panel is cut off so new situations can be drawn with chalk on the blackboard next to the panel.


  • The players complete the apartments by drawing what they think could be happening.
  • The players play one of the situations of the apartments. The others guess which situation is represented.

Specific learning objectives

Reflect on issues such as child abuse, the gap between rich and poor, loneliness, domestic violence, taking care of oneself, responsibilities, …

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