Who can help me?

Walk through the streets of the city and identify the different characters or caregivers who can help you in a wide variety of situations

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


Ask a player to pick one situation in a red circle. The players shares with the group what he/she sees on the picture. Ask additional questions like:

  • Have you ever been in such a situation?
  • Do you know any friends who have been in this specific situation?

Then, ask the player which person or caregiver they would turn to if they would need help in this specific situation. The player picks one or multiple persons or caregivers (in the yellow circles) and explains why he/she would turn to this person. Also ask the player how confident he/she is that this person would offer help in the situation.


As a third step, ask the player to come up with a reaction to the situation. The six possible reactions can be found in the blue rectangle in the bottom right corner of the panel.


Continue these steps until all situations are discussed.

Extra game information

On the panel is a map of the city. On the map, one can see different situations in which characters need help (red circles). Besides this, there are also different persons or caregivers depicted in the yellow circles. These persons can offer help in the given situations. The task of the players is to link the situations to the characters.

In the bottom left corner are also six possible reactions one can have to react to the situations.

1. Situations

  1. Bullying
  2. Low self-esteem
  3. Depression
  4. Fear
  5. Addiction
  6. Domestic violence
  7. Financial issues
  8. Mourning/to grieve
  9. Stress
  10. Traffic accident
  11. Fire
  12. To get robbed
  13. To be ill/sick
  14. To have a wound
  15. Pregnancy
  16. Allergic reaction
  17. Peer pressure
  18. Exploitation
  19. Paper work / administration
  20. To find a lover
  21. Racism

2. Characters

  1. Village elder
  2. Police
  3. Doctor
  4. Nurse
  5. SOS Helpline
  6. Family
  7. Teacher
  8. Internet
  9. Fire brigade
  10. Street worker
  11. Psychologist
  12. Spiritual leader
  13. Train conductor

3. Reactions

  1. Call helpline for help
  2. Talk to someone
  3. Run away / escape
  4. Become angry and aggressive
  5. To suppress, hide away
  6. Take action yourself


  • In the step-by-step explanation, players are encouraged to start from a situation. However, as a variation, one can also start from a character or from a reaction, and then link this to a specific situation. This way children will reflect in different ways in how to look for help.
  • Reflect with the kids how confident they are they will get support from the different characters. Do they have a lot of confidence in the police? Or in their teacher?

Specific learning objectives

  • Reflect on the different actors who can offer help in different situations

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