Basic needs: battleship

Claim the basic needs of the other group and discuss why it is important to have those specific basic rights.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Recreate the Basic Needs poster by drawing two empty grids (5 x 5) on pieces of paper or on the ground. One grid for each group/player. Add a row of numbers on the left side (1-5) of the grid and a row of letters on the top (A-E).


Divide the players into two groups and let them stand opposite of each other. Close enough that they can hear each other, but not too close that they can see each other’s grid.


Let the groups each choose five items from the Basic Needs poster and let them draw these items somewhere in their grid.


The groups take turns in guessing where the objects of the other group are located in their grid, by asking for a specific coordinate (1 letter + 1 number, eg. “B4”). Use bottle caps to indicate the guessed coordinates.


If the group guesses wrong, nothing happens, and the other group continues.


If the group guesses a correct coordinate, facilitate a discussion about why it is important to have this basic need.


The group that finds the other group’s basic needs first, wins the game!

Extra game information

The game contains a red and a green poster with each poster featuring the same 25 different objects. Each object is linked to Maslow's hierarchy of needs which divides basic needs into five categories:

  1. Physiological needs: food, water, clothes etc
  2. Safety needs: doctor, justice, money etc
  3. Social needs: communication tools, family etc
  4. Esteem and self-fulfilment needs: books, information etc

This game is a variation of the game ‘Battleship’.

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