Needs & Wants • Personal

Learn how to prioritise when buying things in your personal life.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Explain the difference between 'needs' and 'wants', e.g.: everybody needs to eat to be able to survive, some people might want to have a car.


Each player thinks about his personal life and what items they might need and want.


Ask the players to write an 'N' next to the items on the panel which are absolute needs for them and a 'W' for items that they would like to have.


Discuss and ask why they made their choices. Suggested questions:

  • Is it possible to have different opinions?
  • Is happiness linked with having particular needs or wants?

Extra game information

Needs are things you have to have to be able to survive. You cannot put off buying them.

Wants are things you would like to have. These are the things you can buy if you have enough money, after you have taken care of all your needs.


  • Each player choses one need and one want and has one minute to convince the others why this is a need or a want.
  • Dream Island: The players make a drawing of their dream island. On the island they draw everything their heart desires. Next to their dream island, they draw an island where only their basic needs are fulfilled. Compare the two and discuss. Compare the islands from all different players. The players can try to convince each other to eliminate/add things to one of their islands.
  • Combine this panel with the overview panel or with other BUSINESS panels. The players can discuss about the needs and wants of the characters on these panels.

Specific learning objectives

  • Understand the difference between needs and wants.
  • Think about what is necessary to live a good life.

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