The worker

Discuss child labour and family responsibilities with this creative discussion panel.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Divide the players into groups of maximum four.


Start a group discussion whereby you involve family responsibilities and child labour. Suggested questions:

  • What characters do you see on the panel?
  • Which situations do you see on the panel?
  • How do you think the characters feel? Which emotions do you see?
  • What do you think will happen next?

The players tell what they think the characters on the panel could be saying. Fill in the speech bubbles by writing their words on the blackboard.


The players look for similarities between the picture on the panel and their own situation. They can express how they feel about it. Suggested questions:

  • Were you ever involved in a similar situation?
  • How did you feel during this situation?

Extra game information

The panel consists of a cartoon of three pictures about the exploitation of child labour.


  • The players draw another story that is related to this story or a story the players think of when listening to this story.
  • The players draw the rest of the story by thinking of an alternative ending.
  • The players write down the story or the rest of the story in the empty boxes.

Specific learning objectives

Raise awareness about child labour, exploitation and family responsibilities.

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