Camera Catchers: How do duty-bearers protect your rights?

Let the dice define your character and tell his/her story: How do they feel in this situation? Who could they ask for help? ...

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


Gather five children around the poster on the right for protection.


Have each child roll the colour dice and have them look at the experience situations of the character of their colour.


Have them look at the situations as their character and let them choose one specific situation to think and talk about.


Have them briefly explain the situation and then focus on the duty bearers involved in this situation by asking questions about them (see supplementary game information for some sample questions).


Play as long as you like and discuss other situations of the character as well.

Extra game information

Each colour on the dice corresponds to a character. If a child rolls the colour white, they get to choose which character they want to be.

• Blue: Anna

• Purple: Frederick

• Green: Julia

• Red: Ibrahim

• Yellow: Priya

More information about our characters can be found on the poster 'The stories of our five characters' or via

Example questions
  • Which rights are violated in this situation? Which rights are protected?
  • Which duty-bearers are included or should be included in this situation?
  • Do they take up their responsibility or not?
  • What can be done if these responsibilities are neglected?
  • Have you ever experienced this situation yourself?

The 'Camera Catchers' poster is the overview poster for the right to protection. The poster zooms in on the protection aspect present in the stories of the five main characters of the toolkit. The panel is designed as a security room, where security cameras allow you to look at the stories with a 'right to protection'-lens. On the left top side of the panel, all the separate rights linked to the right to protection are listed. The QR code on the right-hand side of the panel links to an audio story that gives a good introduction to start the conversation on the right to protection with your target group.

This game has been specially created to work on the topic of duty-bearers with children and youngsters. 

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


If you don't have a colour dice or don't want to make one, have each character correspond to a number on a traditional dice.

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