The Refugee Journey: who am I?

Who am I? Try to figure out which character of the poster you are by asking yes/no questions!

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Step 1


Write on post-its the characters of the poster ‘The Refugee Journey’.

Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Discuss with the players the situations on the poster 'The refugee journey'. See which characters are involved in the stories or zoom in on a specific storyline each time.


Stick a post-it on the forehead of each of the players. The players cannot see the character they represent, but they can see the post-it's about the other players.


Explain that the players must guess which character from the poster they represent and help the other players discover who they are too. The players can take turns asking yes/no questions about their character. The player who can guess their character first wins the game.


Then discuss how their character must have felt in the situations depicted on the poster.

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