Find the capitals

An interactive game to enhance your geographical knowledge

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GreekThis game was automatically translated from Greek. View in original language.

Everything you need to play this game

  • Pair of scissors
  • Cardboard 50x20cm
  • Markers
  • Paper A4
  • Transparent tape

Make it yourself


Step 1

Table with country names

We take the cardboard and put it horizontally. At the top of it we write with the markers the name of the game "European Capitals".

Then divide the cardboard into two columns. In each column we mark four (4) capitals with different colors (1st column: Athens, London, Rome, Sofia - 2nd column: Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Nicosia).

Now take the A4 paper and cut rectangular pieces. Make sure that their size is big enough to cover the capitals. On the rectangular pieces we write the respective countries using a different color for each country.

Finally, paste the top of each paper with some tape to the corresponding capital.

The panel is ready!

Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


We divide the players into groups of 3.


The teams are randomly placed in front of the game board.


Each team in turn selects one country and decides on their answer.


If the team gives an answer, the youth worker flips the paper and the correct answer is revealed.


If the answer was correct, the team gets one point and goes on to the next. If the answer is wrong, the next group continues.


To make the game more difficult, you can use more countries - capitals.

What people said about this game

Natasa Efremidou

Social Worker Ladies Union of Drama- House of Open Hospitality GR

21 November, 2019


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