Connected Words

Find the connection between the given words!

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Everything you need to play this game

  • Cardboard (50 x 20)
  • Markers

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Step 1

Connected words

We take the cardboard. We work in a horizontal position. At the top we write the title "Connected words". The middle part is divided into two columns.


Step 2

Connected words

In the left column we write vertically the words: white, boat, dress, baby, sun, water, plate, teacher, shoes, snow


Step 3

Connected words

In the right column we write vertically in a confusing series: green, island, trousers, mother, sky, glass, food, school, socks, winter

Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


The game will be played individually.


 Each child stands in front of the opposing table. Each child is asked in turn to indicate the connected words being asked.


The winner is the person who says the most correct answers. 

Extra game information

Optionally next to each word we make a drawing corresponding to the written word.

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