Animal or colour memory

Look for two of the same animals or colours by memorising their location on the panel.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


The green exercise contains two game options:

  • look for the same colours
  • look for the same animals

Select one of the two activities.


Close all the doors of the green part to the left (or right).


Player one opens a door and checks which animal (or colour) can be found below.


This player now chooses a second door to open.


In case there are two matching pictures, the player gets one point. In case it is a different picture, both doors have to be closed again.


After each try, pass the turn to the next player to try and find a pair.


The player with the most points wins the game.

Extra game information

The panel is divided into a red part and a green part. This activity only uses the green part. This part has the easiest exercises with two options (see How to play).


Open randomly some doors with animals. The players create a theatre play with these animals.

Specific learning objectives

Learn to recognise colours and animals.

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