Letter flow

An introductory panel for learning how to write the letters of the Greek alphabet.

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Step 1

Coloring (1)

Color the background of the panel in two solid colours. Then write the letters of the Greek alphabet, along with dots and arrows that showcase the writing flow.


Step 2

Coloring (2)

Repeat the above steps for the remaining alphabet letters.

Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Study the panel along with the participants.


Explain to them the way of writing the individual letters.


Optional: Show them how to do it.

Let the participants try and write the Greek letters following the instructions that are shown on the panel.

Extra game information

The two panels showcase the uppercase and lowercase letters of the Greek alphabet, along with arrows that indicate the way each letter is written. The dots are the starting points and the arrow show the flow.


Complementary panels: LEC-V TIPO-B #4, LEC-V TIPO-B #3

Specific learning objectives

Improvement of hand-eye coordination and writing skills.

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