
Combine the different objects on this sliding door panel and mix them all together in a creative and entertaining story.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Cover the images with the sliding door system or with post-its.


The player opens a door of the first column and tries to invent a story about the character.


Afterwards, the player opens a door of the second column and continues the story, including the new element.


The player keeps doing this, until he reaches the last column.


Talk about the story with the player. Suggested questions:

  • Did you experience something similar in your life?
  • Why did you choose certain plot twists in your story?
  • Did you think in the beginning of your story that it would end this way?

Extra game information

On the panel, you can see six different columns, each one with a theme that contains six different images:

  1. Character (a person or an animal): a crocodile, a lion, a monkey, a king, a policeman, a nurse
  2. Place: a dumpsite, a bus station, a house, a prison, a river, a school
  3. Object: an indiaca, a plane, a cup, a boomerang, a helicopter, a head
  4. Situation: a fight, a party, a funeral, a disease, making friends, cooking/eating
  5. Action: running, comforting, laughing, dancing, shouting, hitting
  6. Emotion: enthusiastic, in love, afraid, angry, sad, shy


Play the game with more players: let the players in turns open a door on the panel. Let the story unfold step by step, image by image. The players draw or write the story on the mobile school.

Specific learning objectives

  • The players use their creativity to create different storylines.
  • Improve communication skills.

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