Theater Time with the All Children, All Right(s) Characters

Come and play along with the characters of the story.

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Everything you need to play this game

Make it yourself


Step 1

Print the materials

Print the characters from the story of Priya and Fredrick. To increase the durability of the materials, you can print them on sturdy paper/cardboard or laminate them


Step 2

Make the stick puppets

Stick the figures on sticks so that you can move the figures smoothly

Good job!

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Gather some young children before the Priya and Fredrick storyline poster.


Let the children tell what they see, what happens in the story. Stimulate their language use. (e.g., if the children point something out, help them put it into words: “Yes, Priya is cleaning the window!”)


Tell the children that they can now act out the story themselves in the theater.


Hand out the stick puppets and props and let the children act out the story with concrete material.


Other children can come and watch the puppet theatre.

Extra game information

  • We choose to use only the stories of Priya and Fredrick as they are easily understandable for younger children. This will help ensure that the children can follow and engage with the story more easily.
  • You can provide the storyline strips of Priya and Fredrick as an additional mnemonic to help the children with performing the theater.

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